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Mengintegrasikan DPSIR dengan Analytic Network Process untuk penilaian strategi pengelolaan hutan. (E 18211-10 anp)

The application of the DPSIR evaluation scheme is processing a holistic view on the performance of forest management strategies with pressures driven by external forces influencing the actual states of a forest and their impacts over time, yet to be antagonized by management responses. Covering all this, the overall results of the ANP evaluation show an undisputed favour of the conversion strategy for all time steps and climate change scenarios with regard to the principles of SFM. A transformation of the present conifer plantations dominated by Norway Spruce to more close-to-nature forests by introducing and pre-planting deciduous tree species is promising on the long run.
Hence, it has been the rationale of this study to combine the strengths of tools that enhance system understanding and those of multi-criteria decision making for the purposes of SFM while keeping the whole concept at least semi-quantitative by integrating ecosystem modelling results. This integration creates new viewpoints towards the communication of decision-making, towards the relations between ecosystem and decision-modelling, and towards the applicability of established approaches per se.

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